Tree trimming is one of the essentials in garden tree services. It’s not very hard, so it’s an often case when a homeowner decides to do it without the help of arborist services. This may be reasonable if a person has a basic set of skills to handle the job. But safety first, and before any job related to tree service, it’s critically important to take precaution measures. Remember that even a simple operation like trimming may be dangerous. We advise you to contact a professional tree service company if you are not sure you can handle by yourself. Texas city Tree Service
If you still decide to trim on your own, here are some safety recommendations.
- Learn more about the job. The right information is the first and the most important tool for safe work. Clear all the details as different trees and different situations require a different set of gears and preparation. If your tree is an average tall, prepare the ladder and pick a good stable branch to tie the ladder. If your tree is very tall, you will need more advanced equipment like climbing rope, fall protection harness, lift, etc. Make sure you have all you need and you know how to use it all. Also, it’s important to check the weather forecast because if it’s windy and cold weather, a climbing job is not a good idea. Texas city Tree Service
2. Don’t work alone. Trimming is a job best be done by two or three people. While one person is working on the tree, the second may help with navigating and belaying. In addition, if something goes wrong, you will get out without serious harm if someone is around. But remember that all the participants of the process must take precautions and be instructed about the whole job security. Texas city Tree Service
3. Mark the area. Always put signs about the ongoing work around the area. It will prevent a passing person from walking into a dangerous area. This measure is an absolute must-have if the subject tree is in the public area like your front yard and sidewalk.
4. Check out the surroundings. If power lines are in the close distance, we strongly recommend not to try to trim the tree by yourself. It may be a mortal danger. Hire a professional tree service company to cope with the job — your life is more valuable than any money. If power lines are not involved but are nearby, look out for safe distance. In addition, use non-conductive tools and personal equipment like a hard hat, gloves, etc. Texas city Tree Service
Inspect the tree. Check out the weak spots and faulty branches before climbing. This will help you to plan where to move on the tree and what places you should avoid. Texas city Tree Service
5. Prepare the tools and equipment. The last but not the least important is the right personal protective equipment and tools. Make sure your tools are functioning right, sharp and well-oiled. This works both for hand and engine instruments. And, of course, make sure you have all the necessary PPE: hard hat, gloves, non-slip boots, protection goggles, earplugs, etc. All of the items must fit you well and not be worn-out. Texas city Tree Service
Precautions are a crucial part of any tree service. It’s impossible to take too much care about your own safety. Take care of yourself and the people around you. And again: if you hesitate about whether it’s a good idea to trim by yourself, call professionals. Texas city Tree Service
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