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The Best Decorative Trees, Part 2 / Houston Tree Service

The best decorative trees in Texas

Planting a tree in Texas is also a question of shade on your yard — this will help with the hot weather. But the main purpose of any tree is to improve the appearance of a property. And being picky in this question is normal.

All trees are a beautiful part of nature. Some people love green giants like oaks: they look majestic and can carry a treehouse for kids. But if you are looking for an outstanding appearance, it’s best to pay attention to decorative trees. There are some kinds that never grow into huge trees and will make the sight significantly better.


There are three species: Eastern redbud, Texas redbud and Mexican redbud. Both of them are native to the South and feel normal in hot and dry weather. All of them reach a height of 15-20 feet as an adult tree. The main redbud’s feature is an early start of bloom and plenty of small pink and purple flowers. Several redbuds on your yard will add wild colors to your property.

Desert Willow

We have mentioned this one in our chart of the best trees to plant in Texas city. Indeed, this one is a compact tree up to 25 feet tall with nice crown which looks attractive and doesn’t need a lot of tree service apart from trimming from time to time. Heat and drought are not a danger to desert willows. In the middle of summer, desert willows bloom with small pink flowers gathered in clusters.

Eve’s Necklace

This species is a relative of a mountain laurel we described in the previous part of the decorative trees chart. Eve’s necklace is a small tree with an average height of 25-30 feet and light-green leaves. Much like laurels, this one produces white and pink flowers in the late summer that turn into pods in early fall. Keep in mind that the pods contain poisonous beans so make sure no one will eat it. This species doesn’t require too much water and do good in the direct sun.

Yaupon Holly

It’s a small evergreen tree that is native to South Texas. It’s an often choice for tree planting in Texas city due to it’s resistance to hot weather and soil issues. A yaupon holly produces small white flowers at the beginning of summer that turn into bright red berries. They remain till the end of the summer, brighten the yard appearance and attract birds. As a pleasant bonus, leaves contain caffeine, so you can dry and use them for tea. But before that, we recommend contacting professional arborists for a consultation as different soil contents may cause issues with the possibility of consumption of the leaves.

Flowering Dogwood

It’s another popular pick among gardeners in the Houston area. This is a beautiful small tree that starts to bloom in the spring and cover with big white flowers. Blooming lasts for a month and looks really pretty. But it’s a good decorative tree pick throughout the whole year as it produces red berries that may remain through the winter. Apart from that, it’s foliage turn bright red in fall which improves the sight as well. Keep in mind that dogwood prefers at least a partial shade and doesn’t like the direct sun all the time.


So, here are several more options for trees to plant on your land. All of them do quite well in Texas weather conditions and soils. But if you hesitate, feel free to contact a professional tree service company to make sure your choice will fit you well.

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