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What to do with wood chips? Baytown Tree Service

Trimming Tree Service

Wood chips are often left after tree services. There are especially much leftovers usually remaining after cutting a tree, trimming it or when a tree fell during a storm.

Sometimes tree service companies take them away in order to clean up your area after the job is done. But sometimes you need to handle it by yourself. So you’d better know that throwing away is not the only option. Here is a little list of ways put to use or utilize wood chips from your yard. Houston Wood Fire

Pressed Wood

There are a lot of companies that make pressed wood products. It can be pallets used as fuel or absorbent. Or it can be a pressed lumber plates — in this case, your wood chips may become someone’s furniture.

Such companies usually accept fresh chips. They can take it for free or even pay you some fee so it may be even profitable. Check the web for your local companies and contact them to clear the details. Houston Wood Fire


Mulch is the classical reuse option for wood chips. Just gather it and leave it in a dry place. Once the time comes, use chips to cover the ground: they save the heat and prevent an excess of sunlight. Use it both in spring to get it looking fresh and clean and in fall to protect roots from low temperature. Don’t forget to remove the old mulch when needed and add fertilizer before mulching.


Wood chips are the perfect base for compost. Even when you use it as a mulch you improve the state of your soil. The main reason is the high concentration of carbon in wood. If you mix it with nitrogen fertilizer or greens in the right proportions, it will make good compost. You can use it for your garden to help it with nutrients especially in spring and for young plants. This will also save you some money. Houston Wood Fire


Of course, you can just burn the leftovers. If you have any utility furnace, feel free to dry the chips and throw them into fire. Also, in some cases, chips may be used as fuel for cooking smoking food or BBQ. Houston Wood Fire


Covering walkways is an option, too. A path made with chipped wood looks natural, costs nothing and slows the ground stomping. It also may be considered as a temporal walkways coating before making stone or brick covering. Houston Wood Fire

Playground Surface

Another way to use wood chips is to cover your kids’ playground. Chips are cheap, soft and ecologically clean. Your children will not slip on it or hurt too much if they fall on the ground during a game. It is a good and cheap alternative to rubber crumb or solid wood. Houston Wood Fire


You can use wood chips in your interior. If you have vases with dried or artificial flowers, you can use chips as support. Or you can use it as a separate element of decor. Houston Wood Fire

Erosion Control

If you have soil erosion issues taking place on your yard, you can use wood chips as a temporal measure. Use them to fill holes and create barriers protecting your area from soil loss. As chips are good absorbents they will protect your ground even during heavy rains. It will help for some time so you can figure out what measures to take. Houston Wood Fire

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